Friday, February 8, 2013

Oy, Another Storm Already?

What if the Jewish People Named the Storms?  A short and obvious blog post on Erev Nemo.
Weather alert... such a cute icon for such dangerous conditions.
Kinda like the name Nemo.

We don't name them.  Someone else does, while we do other jobs.  But what if we did?

First of all, being a Reform Jew, I'd have male and female names together on the same list, and of course mix the classic with the modern depending on my mood.  

Here goes.

Cantor (no-brainer on this one)
Delilah (also good for the Deadheads)
Elijah (especially fitting if you think the end is near)
Gad (I played Gad in the Brandeis version of Joseph*, always have a soft spot for this brother)
Hymie (too obvious?)
P'nina (Can you just hear Jim Cantore announcing that Superstorm P'nina is working it's way up the coast?)

I'm sort of stuck on Q.  I'll take any suggestions from the readers.

Raisel ... or Reuben ... can't decide.  Need another girl's name, but I love a good Reuben.

X ... no X names exactly, so I went and got the Jewish name dictionary.  There was Xavier, which means Savior.  So, technically we could put in Mashiach here.. but I think I'll leave X blank as well.

Yadin (could have gone with my Hebrew name, Yaffa, but that's more like a wimpy tropical storm.)

So there you have my suggestion for Jewish storm names.  I will be happy to edit this list if you make a good case for changes.  Everyone enjoy Nemo, and Shabbat Shalom!

So, pretty much everywhere???

*Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  Google it. It's still great.

Thank you to devoted reader RMK, who suggested Qadisha for the letter Q.  Very exotic, and works well with Black History month too.

Well, it seems that my blog inspired a guest blogger, and stage and screen actor, Geoffrey Cantor, to create his own list, ostensibly to give Jewish names to the second year (5774) of storms.

A- Adonai (For who else could create such a storm)
B- Bupkus (You call this a storm?)
C- I've nothing to say
D- Daven (Bowing to the power..) David (a king of a Storm)
E- Elijah (Storms always mean SOMEthing is coming)
F- Frumah Sarah (What is this about you snowblowing your DRIVEway? Yes your                     DRIVEway!)
G- Golem (If it's a monster of a storm) or Gornisht (See Bupkus)
H- Hamen (It's bad, and you have to get so drunk that you can't tell it's a storm)
I- Isaac (Good name and the meteorologist who screwed up on Galveston)
J- Jesus (He was Jewish)
K- Kedusha (It's reverent), or if its a wet snow? Kreplach
L- Latke (It's...cute)
M- Moses, Mordecai, Maimonides
N- Nimrod
O- Oy VEY!  
P- Pinchas
Q- Quetzalcoatl (nod to my Native American brothers)
R- Rivkah, Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth, Rugelach
S- Sarah....SO NU?
T- Tevya
U- Ushpizin (That's some visitor)
V- VODKA (what Jews in Russia Drink when it snows)
W- WODKA (what Jews in Poland Drink when it snows)
X- Xander
Z- Zaftig (if it's a hefty storm), or ZION.

The author, and the guest blogger, in a moment of sibling mock strangulation and  iphone-foolery.

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